Representative in Russia: 74/1 Leningradskiy avenue, 125315, Moscow, Russia Telephone: +7.958.401.8345
Representative in France: 9 Surcouf str, 75007, Paris, France Telephone: +372.54.495.127
Head office: Company name: Regard Group, Inc. Registration address: 619 E Colorado str, 91205, Glendale, California, USA Telephone: +1.818.570.5800
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In our shop You will always find unique floral arrangements made with fresh and colourful flowers, as well as a wide assortment of gifts, cakes and balloons, which are suitable for any occasion.
The assortment of our website is updated every day, and You have an opportunity to buy flowers at best price!
We provide express delivery in Yerevan, within 1-2 hours, and to any address in Armenia, at any time of the day, without weekends (24x7 sales & support).